Avoid Making These Upgrades To Your Home Before Selling

Posted on: 31 May 2019

Do you feel the need to make upgrades to your home prior to putting it on the market? If so, know that you will be spending money on repairs that you may not see a return on. Here are some things you should not renovate before listing your home for sale.

Do Not Add More Insulation

Insulation plays a key role in helping your home feel comfortable, reducing your overall energy costs, and reduce outside noise due to living on a busy street. However, these are all things that a seller cannot see when they enter a home and decide if they want to buy it or not.

While they are perks that they will appreciate once they are living in the home, you won't be able to get away with selling your home at a higher price tag due to putting more insulation in it. Leave the insulation as is, since a potential buyer won't notice the difference. If a lack of insulation is a problem after the home inspection, know that it is fairly cheap to meet their needs and handle it as a negotiation item.

Do Not Upgrade The Electrical System

Older wiring may not be up to the current electrical code, but it is grandfathered into the home and perfectly acceptable and safe to have. Do not feel like you need to rip out old wiring and replace it with new wiring just because of the age. Older cloth wiring is fine to have in a home, and it is often something that buyers do not look at when browsing a home that is for sale.

However, the one exception the electrical system is if you have very old knob and tube wiring. It is known to be a fire hazard if it is too close to attic insulation, and it can be a deal breaker for many homeowners.

Do Not Change The Paint Color

Think that you can make your home look new again with a fresh coat of paint? If so, you may be wasting your time. Many buyers are told by their realtors to ignore paint colors, and it is a home renovation that many new homeowners are very selective over. You could be wasting money painting the home's interior walls in colors that someone else does not find appealing.

Work with your realtor when it comes to selling your home since selling your home as is could be the best solution for you.
